of the Week

The Breakfast Club is
open daily from 08:15

Lunch menu





Headteacher's most recent letter 19/July


Monday 15/07/24

  • A visit by a rally car and a presentation by Rali Ceredigion
  • Oracy skills workshop for Year 6

Tuesday 16/07/24

  • Year 1&2 trip to Quackers
  • Yr.4 cricket team session at y Geufron


Wednesday 17/07/24

  • Open Afternoon in the Meithrin for new pupils beginning in September


Thursday 18/07/24


Friday 19/07/24

  • Year 6 farewell Assembly + Yr.6 party during the afternoon


Lunchtime menu

15th - 19th of July 2024 (Week 2 menu)

Monday 15/07/24

LUNCH: Meatballs in tomato sauce, pasta, garlic bread, peas and sweetcorn
(V : Quorn balls)
DESSERT: Apple and custard scone / Fresh fruit


Tuesday 16/07/24

LUNCH: Chicken wrap, chips, carrots and mixed salad
(L: Vegetarian Wrap)
DESSERT: Peach melba / Fresh fruit


Wednesday 17/07/24

LUNCH: Pizza, potato cubes, tomato and cucumber salsa, vegetable sticks
DESSERT: Pear and chocolate muffin, with milk / Fresh fruit


Thursday 18/07/24

LUNCH: Chicken, potatoes, stuffing, carrots, broccoli and gravy
(V : Quorn)
DESSERT: Chocolate cake and juice / Fresh fruit

Friday 19/07/24

LUNCH: Fish, potatoes, baked beans, vegetable sticks and bread
(V : Fishless fingers)
DESSERT: Jelly and cream / Fresh fruit



(A vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free menu is also served for pupils we have been informed about in advance)



* It is possible the menu will need to change occasionally due to reasons beyond the control of the kitchen staff. We hope these occasions will be rare.


Paying for school meals

School meals are now free of charge for every primary school children in Ceredigion.


The school is using ParentPay to receive payments for school dinners. Parents and Guardians will have received an e-mail with details for signing up to ParentPay. Please contact the school for more information.