of the Week

The Breakfast Club is
open daily from 08:15

Lunch menu





Headteacher's most recent letter 19/July


Monday 15/07/24

  • A visit by a rally car and a presentation by Rali Ceredigion
  • Oracy skills workshop for Year 6

Tuesday 16/07/24

  • Year 1&2 trip to Quackers
  • Yr.4 cricket team session at y Geufron


Wednesday 17/07/24

  • Open Afternoon in the Meithrin for new pupils beginning in September


Thursday 18/07/24


Friday 19/07/24

  • Year 6 farewell Assembly + Yr.6 party during the afternoon


Parents and Teachers Association


Next event :

AGM - November 7th 2023


2023-2024 members:


Siân Pugh


Rhian Jones


Geraint Pugh


Helping with the Parent Teacher Association events - the Association’s events raise money to support the work of the school and its events. However, we are entirely dependent on volunteers to help. Last year we raised £8500, and some of this will be used to buy resources for each year and also to buy a new adventure course for the garden.
Would you be happy to join a volunteer mailing list? There will be no expectation to help at every event, nor will you need to join the committee. We will email the list as and when volunteers are needed at events, and if you can help, then you can get in touch.

If you’d be willing to join the list, you can email