of the Week
The Early Bird Club is
open daily from 08:15
► News
► Letters
► Calendar
► Headteacher's most recent letter 07/Feb
Monday 03/02/25
Tuesday 04/02/25
- School Orchestra 8:45am
- Year 6 visit the Town Library
Wednesday 05/02/25
- Whole school assembly
- Urdd Club will continue in the Summer term
- Cân Actol rehearsal
3:30 - 4:45pm
Thursday 06/02/25
- Swimming for yrs.4&6
- Siarter Iaith Pop Quiz
- Rugby training for yrs.5&6
Friday 07/02/25
School Prospectus 2023
To request a hard copy of the school prospectus Click on the cover to download a copy (You will need Adobe Reader to view) |